Areas of Expertise

Tax Law

The long experience of our partners has allowed us to experience a series of complex issues in Tax Law and understand exactly what are the main problems faced by companies, providing agile and assertive solutions. In summary, we can list below some of our expertise:

– CONSULTING: Advice involving direct or indirect taxes and social security contributions, tax routines, tax planning, due diligence, tax analyzes involving M&A operations, survey of tax credits, as well as preparation of tax consultations with supervisory bodies.

– ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS: Elaboration of defense in notice of infraction of collection of Federal, State and Municipal taxes.

– JUDICIAL PROCESS: Expertise in complex claims, such as tax enforcement, tax injunction, incident of disregard of legal personality, in all instances and at the municipal, state and federal levels.

– TAX BENEFITS: Consulting to assist in obtaining tax benefits, such as Paraná Competitivo, Pró-Emprego and PRODEC SC, Ex-Tarifário and Drawback, among others;

– THESES: Filing of lawsuits aimed at reducing the tax burden and recovering any unduly collected taxes, such as: Limitation of the third-party social security contribution calculation base to 20 minimum wages; Exclusion of taxes from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis; Incidence of social security contributions on the net amount; Exclusion of ICMS tax benefits from the IRPJ and CSLL base, among others.

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Specialist Lawyers in this Area

  • Carlos Dutra

    Tax Lawyer

    More than 10 years of experience in the tax area, especially in litigation and in the preparation of consultations, opinions and review of tax procedures.

  • More than 15 years of experience in the tax area, especially in litigation, in the area of tax planning and in the preparation of consultations and opinions.

  • 5 years of experience in the tax area, especially in administrative and judicial litigation.

  • Lucas Salmoria de Souza Rosa graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUC/PR (2019). Specialist in Corporate Tax Law from PUC/PR (2021).<br /> He has experience in the tax area, especially in litigation.

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